Eva Trumbower, M.S., CCC-SLP, holds a master's degree in speech-language pathology from the University of Central Missouri. Her practice background includes work in public and private schools and preschools, Head Start programs, medical settings, university clinical programs, private practice, and grant implementation. The connection between oral language and literacy has been an area of special interest, practice and research for Ms. Trumbower. She has taught workshops and presented papers to state and national associations for speech-language pathologists, early childhood and elementary teachers, school psychologists, special educators, and educational administrators on topics relating to oral language; phonological and phonemic awareness; early literacy; application of language and early literacy research-to-practice in early education; instruction of children with special needs; and the prevention of reading difficulties in young children. In addition, she directed a U.S. Department of Education Early Reading First (ERF) grant project, RURAL Excellence. She has served her profession as a member of the Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology Advisory Commission to the Missouri Board of Healing Arts and was appointed by the Missouri Legislature to the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia. Ms. Trumbower resides in Columbia, Missouri, where she is a certified ELLC instructor and a consultant for programs that serve young children.